lunedì 14 ottobre 2013
i pirati
I Pirati
Con il termine pirateria si intende l’attività di quei marinai, i quali, abbandonata per scelta o per costrizione la vita sui vascelli mercantili, abbandonavano, depredavano, violentavano e spesso affondavano le navi altrui, in altomare, nei porti, sui fiumi o nelle insenature.
Diversi sono i termini con cui venivano indicati questi Barbari, i primi pirati nel corso del tempo; questi bucanieri, filibustieri, corsari; essi commettevano attività illecite e si riunivano nei covi.
La vita a bordo di una nave pirata era piena di contrasti; sui velieri non mancava il lavoro per l’equipaggio, il quale era costantemente impegnato in una manutenzione della nave stessa. Le regole che la ciurma doveva rispettare erano poche ma dure; vediamone alcune:
1. Nessuno doveva giocare a carte o a dadi per denaro
2. I lumi delle candele dovevano essere spenti alle ore 20
3. Bisognava tenere le proprie armi ben pulite e pronte all’uso
4. Ognuno doveva curare personalmente e lavare la propria biancheria
5. Donne e fanciulle non potevano salire a bordo
6. Tutti avevano diritto di voto, a provviste fresche ed a una reazione di Rhum
7. Chi disertava in battaglia veniva punito con la morte e veniva getto in mare aperto
I Pirati prendevano le loro decisioni in maniera collettiva, non esisteva un Leader, almeno che non fosse il capitano, il quale veniva eletto dalla ciurma, che andava dall’ultimo mozzo al timoniere della nave: il bottino veniva diviso in “quote” uguali anche se raramente al capitano ne venivano assegnate due.
The term piracy refers to the activities of those sailors , who, abandoned by choice or compulsion life on merchant vessels , abandoned , looted , raped and often sank the ships of others, on the high seas , ports , rivers or creeks.
There are several terms with which they were given these barbarians , the first pirates in the course of time , these buccaneers , pirates , privateers , they were committing illegal activities and gathered in dens .
Life aboard a pirate ship was full of contrasts on the sailing ships did not fail the job for the crew, which was constantly engaged in maintenance of the ship . The rules that the crew had to meet were few but hard , let's
see some :
1 . No one was to play cards or dice for money
2 . The lights of the candles had to be turned off at 20
3 . You had to keep their weapons thoroughly cleaned and ready for use
4 . Everyone had to personally take care and wash their clothes
5 . Women and girls could not get on board
6 . Everyone had the right to vote , in fresh supplies and a reaction of Rhum
7 . Who deserted in battle was punished with death, and was cast in the open sea
The Pirates took their decisions in a collective manner , there was no Leader, at least that was not the captain , who was elected by the crew , which was the last hub to the helmsman of the ship: the booty was divided into " shares " the same even rarely if two of them were assigned to the captain .
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